Belief: Jesus died, was burried, and resurrected by the Holy Spirit to save our lives!
Behavior: We live to be more like Jesus and do what He did.

Belief: God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe who lives in perfect unity as three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Behavior: We trust in God no matter the circumstance, situation, diagnosis, or assumption, because He is good.

Belief: The Holy Spirit is the power of God, equal with the Father and Son, indwelling every Christian.
Behavior: We live victorious, courageous, Christlike lives by the power of the Holy Spirit in us.

Belief: The Scriptures are God’s word to us, written by human authors, inspired by the Holy Spirit, as the authoritative source for living the christian life.
Behavior: We read, memorize, pray, and preach the Scriptures to become like Jesus.

Belief: The church is God’s people, gathered in His presence, giving glory to God, proclaiming life in Christ, and experiencing collective transformation.
Behavior: We gather to worship, celebrate life-change, and transform into Christ together.

Belief: God sent Jesus to save us, He sent the Holy Spirit to empower us, and He has called us to be “sent ones” as His representatives in the world.
Behavior: We live like Jesus, share the gospel, invite people into discipleship, build the church, and do our best to save the world!