Father, we commit our hearts to the warning in today’s reading that your people should “avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless.”  Father, make us mindful of this warning in the interest of unity within your body and in the interest of preserving the integrity of the witness that we bear to the community around us.  Awaken our senses to the dangers of  political or personality factions within the church, of  misguided nationalism that elevates partisan, secular politics to equality with the eternal doctrine of your  heavenly kingdom, of pointless quarrels over faith and practice, and above all the legalism that destroys the intent of the liberation we receive by our faith in Christ.  Give us discerning minds when arguments arise over opposing points of view about scripture or doctrine, and always lend your grace to the tone and tenor of our speech and conversation when arguments threaten to divide us.  Finally, make us always truth-seekers and peace makers guided by your Holy Spirit.  Thank you, Father, for your grace and peace!  Use us according to your will.  Amen.