Father, as I read these chapters, I am reminded of how important holiness is to you. We have been saved by grace through faith, but you desire for us to also pursue you in every part of our lives. Let the wilderness generation be a warning for us that you are pleased when your people chase after godliness. We do not want to fall into the trap of legalism, but we desperately want to please you and we know that a holy life is part of that. Holy Spirit we make space for you on the throne of our hearts. We choose to make war against our sin and to put to death the deeds of the body every day. We ask for your assistance in this endeavor. Help us to set our minds on righteousness, compassion, humility, and kindness. Like chapter 13 says, let us put the ways of childhood behind us as we pursue maturity and Christ likeness. We ask that you make us mindful not only of our own pursuit of holiness, but the body of Christ that we walk with daily. Let us not be a stumbling block for our fellow brothers and sisters. May everything we do be done to honor and glorify you. We can only do this through the power of the Holy Spirit. We ask for you to come. In Jesus name, amen.