
Why do we complicate our relationship with You so much? We make lists of rules and judge ourselves and one another into a state division. We can’t carry the load of the “do’s” and “do nots” so we become legalistic or give up.

You know us so well. You give us one focus and it clears up all the unessentials! In Matthew 6:33 You say “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

When we put You first, everything becomes clear! Our decisions are Yours, our possessions are Yours, our very hearts are Yours! Your Kingdom is the priority in all we do—seeking after You in righteousness. When You are in view, the cares of this world fade away. Thank You for helping us keep it simple when we are surrounded by a thousand distractions. We commit today to seek Your Kingdom above all things.

In Jesus’ name,