We believe that you are a miracle working God! Jesus you alone have complete authority to heal sickness and disease and to push back the kingdom of darkness. In this passage we see you miraculously feeding five thousand people, healing people that simply touched your cloak, and restoring hearing to a man born deaf and mute. When you fed the five thousand, it was from a place of deep compassion. We believe that you still have that compassion for people today. We thank you that, just as you sent your disciples to cast out demons and heal the sick, you have sent us out to do the same. We are completely dependent on you for these miracles to occur, but we believe firmly that you have called us to preach the gospel and to demonstrate the kingdom of God through the authority given to you at your ascension. Let us not be people who simply seek signs, but who are filled with the same compassion you have for all people in order that they may come to know you and to follow you. Your kingdom is here and we desperately want to be a part of it. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and guide us as we walk in relationship with you. Amen.