Our heavenly father, we take this moment today to ask that you will find us willing stewards of all that you’ve blessed us with.  We ask that you would take and use our resources, because we confess that they are not truly our own, but rather gifts, talents, and resources that proceed from your fount of blessing and provision.  Search our hearts and our minds, and reveal to us any measure of selfishness or pride that would keep us from giving and sharing generously.  And Father, we pray that you would use our gifts and offerings of stewardship for the work and ministry of your church, for the witness and influence that we bear to those who are outside of your fellowship, and to the welfare and good of your kingdom here on earth as we live out your calling.   We ask that you would find us faithful and of good account so that we will one day hear your glowing words of affirmation, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”  We offer this prayer to your eternal glory!  Amen.