
Sometimes we are stuck, and we just can’t seem to move. We want You and we need Your blessing for so many things. Yet we find ourselves doing, thinking, and acting in ways that don’t reflect You. We need mercy for every moment. Forgive us for trying to make You an add on in our life instead of viewing You as our life. You are so merciful and kind—so forgiving. Yet sometimes we take advantage of that by not wanting to change and following the things You tell us to do. We know You love and forgive. Help us to be more like You. Help our hearts to break over the things that break Your heart. Help us to see when our sin becomes dearer than our love for You or for Your people. Helps us to know You more and more. Please give us the same Spirit as You so that we can live before You in peace and bring You glory. Help us when we are stuck to be free. Help us want to see others free more than we want our own desires met. 

In Jesus’ name,
