Our heavenly Father, we thank you for planting within our hearts joyous melodies of song, new songs upwelling each day from the rich source of your generous and plentiful mercies.  Thank you for whispering those melodies into our listening ears, sweetly and lowly, amid the ebbing and flowing moments of our busy day, as every new song reminds us of your presence and your care.  And so on this day, heavenly Father, tune our hearts  to hear your melody above the din and chaos that so often attends our hours; dispel the discouraging notes of discord this fallen world sends to bombard and confuse our senses.  And we ask that you sweep across any broken strings within our hearts so that we can sustain and perfect the harmony of the new song that you give us to sing.  We know, Lord, that even though our way will often lead through deep waters, over steep mountains, and at times through difficult valleys, we yet will praise you with the inspired melody that comes from your Holy Spirit living within us.  May each new song ring within our hearts, giving us cause to shout and sing your blessed name, professing “Jesus, the sweetest name I know!”  Thank you again, heavenly Father, for your gift of song!