
I love the story of Ruth. You truly brought beauty from ashes in this story. You allowed Naomi and Ruth to face horrific loss but then you brought them to a place of redemption and new life.

Throughout this book, I see you provide for Ruth and Naomi over and over. The provision seems to be through the hands of Boaz, yet, it’s so clear that you were orchestrating a master plan and providing for these two women. Please help me see when it’s your provision in my life and give you the credit and glory. Lord, I want to be like Boaz – with a compassionate and generous heart. Please help me to be open and sensitive to the needs of those in my community, my school, my church, or my work. Please help me to share what you have given to me with an open hand and not a clenched fist.

Thank you for the story of Ruth and the reminder that you have a plan and you will provide for your people. I love you. Amen.