
What a remarkable story. I see your power and sovereignty displayed in so many ways through this account. Your miracles on behalf of Israel struck fear in Balak and the Moabites’ hearts. You allowed a donkey and Balaam to have an actual conversation. You opened the eyes of Balaam to see your angel with his sword in hand. You did not allow a Balaam to accept payment and curse your people. You gave Balaam the words to bless Israel and curse the evil nations that had sought him out! You are sovereign over all.

Lord, the part that keeps coming back to mind is Balaam trying to force his donkey to go down the road Balaam wanted. How many times have I tried to force a path in order to get to the result that I wanted? How many times have I ignored You redirecting my steps because I’ve been too focused on my own thoughts, desires or plans? Lord, please forgive me for all the times I’ve ignored you. Please forgive me for all the times I have pushed forward without seeking your direction. Please open my eyes as you did Balaam’s to your guidance. Thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for loving and forgiving me even when I try to force my own plans. I love you. Amen