
Thank You for Your grace! There is nothing I can do to somehow earn the holiness I need to grant me access to Your presence. There is no way for me to reach the space You’ve created for me to have communion with a perfect God without the perfect sacrifice of Christ. When I get caught up in myself, in the “works” of the day and the “good” things I feel pressured to do, remind me that the power of Your grace is not in my own strength but Your mercy!

Thank You for giving me the beautiful gift of Your forgiveness despite the sins I’ve committed. I’ve grieved Your heart, blasphemed Your name and rebelled against Your word countless times, yet You pay the penalty and in my repentance, renew my sonship in Your holy Kingdom. As I read scripture and experience the truth of sins great consequence, remind me of just how good the news of Christ is for the sinner, and just how powerless I am to earn it in my own ability.

In Jesus’ name,