Father, please go before us in all things. Help us not to just have You as an add on to our lives. We want to be where You are, and if you aren’t there, then we don’t want to be there. We want to know Your ways and to follow You in all things. Help us to seek You all the moments of our lives. We need You Lord in everything we do and everything we face. Help us in victories and in challenges. Help us when we fail and when we struggle. Father, more than anything else, help us to want You more than we want Your gifts and blessings. We want to be known by You and to know You. Thank You that You are God over everything and that nothing is too difficult for You. You forgive our sins. You protect us. You are the God who helps us cross the Red Seas of our life and You are the God who still leads us when we build our golden calves. Thank you that You are our God and that we are Yours. 

In Jesus’ name,
