
Thank you for the story of Moses, his people, and the provision of the Ten Commandments. As I read these chapters, I am convicted of my own rebellion and questioning as Moses and his people questioned you. 

They were a people newly freed, but wandering in unsure fear. They needed your guidance. They needed firm boundaries; not to cut them off from something good, but to keep them from all the bad that awaited their fearful and eager flesh. Thank you, Lord, for the boundaries you provide your people with to this day. I welcome your boundaries as I know I am not missing out on anything, but am being led to the One who provides everything: Jesus.

Forgive me when I abuse your boundaries and refuse to listen to your corrections. Deal with me graciously and help establish my footing so I may worship you more fully, love you more fully, know you more fully. 

Lead me and your people towards your glory.

In Jesus Name, 
