

Baseball used to be my favorite sport. I spent much of my childhood admiring the game, following it on a regular basis, and of course playing it. As a young player I remember vividly watching full 9 inning games with my dad on TV. There were 162 games in each regular season in Major League Baseball and I likely watched 150 of them. I knew every player on the Atlanta Braves roster from top to bottom, including the bench players. 

I used to love watching individual players’ swings, the way they fielded the ball, and most of all the way they wore their uniform. I used to do everything I could to be just like them. I wore my socks and pants a certain way, modeled my swing after some of my favorite players, and tried to look like a pro-even though I was a mere child. I got one thing right for sure: if you want to be the best, act like those that are the best. 

In Colossians chapter 2, Paul speaks of our lives as Christians once we’ve received Christ as our Lord and Savior. We don’t just receive him but we live our lives in him and rooted in him. In essence we emulate the life of Christ and his teachings in everything we do. Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

Our role as a Christian should be similar to what I wanted to be as a baseball player. If you want to be the best, model yourself after the best. What better role model for a Christian than the life of Christ himself. May we all be encouraged to remain rooted in him, taking on his nature and spirit. We may be surprised how our lives and those around us are changed in the process. 



Our Maker is intently listening to us, right now. Take a moment and share with Him how thankful you are that He’s with us!


The Lord renews our mind and purifies our thoughts. What are some thoughts you need to give to the Lord? Share those with Him now.


The Lord deserves eternal praise. Finish your prayer time giving praise for eternal things. Go beyond the earthly to what lasts forever!


Father, we know you are in control. Thank you that we can trust in your power and your word. Help us to recognize the magicians and illusions of this world that will attempt to distract us from your power. May your Holy Spirit lead us through conviction and encouragement to trust in your holy word.  In Jesus Name, Amen.