

There is a funny game I would assert many Christians play while reading the Bible. It’s the same game many of us play as we watch a movie or read a book: we put ourselves in the place of the hero, the mysterious stranger, or the underdog suffering. We like to see ourselves as the main character in the story. I certainly find myself doing the same thing as I read through Paul’s trial. Yet, why do we do this? Is this pride swelling in our hearts to see ourselves more important than we are? I think not.

Now, we should all be weary of comparing our suffering to Paul’s when Starbucks is out of our favor flavored syrup or we get cut off in traffic; this minor inconvenience can be frustrating, but they hardly compare to the real persecution Paul experienced. However, many of us have never felt persecution as Paul did. Many of us have anecdotes of suffering and pain and these are not to be belittled, but I think Paul’s story serves as a reminder not that we need to search the recesses of our mind in order to find some comparable circumstance as to somehow compare our lives with that of Pauls. No. I believe this totally misses the point of these chapters.

Instead, I believe these chapters are there to remind us that God guards us through our suffering and through trials. At work, the place where I feel the majority of my “persecution”, I have a sticky note hanging from my monitor which reads: “Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” Although, I prefer the NLT translation: “The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”

Our fight is not based on our own effort, suffering, or triumphant rebuttal against critique. Our battle is already won – a mantra we surely hear over and over only to leave the pews to return into the world yielding a sword ready to strike down the next snide comment or perceived slight. Christ has already gone before us in his sacrifice.  God is standing before us ready to defend and protect us. All we need to do is be silent. Be calm. Trust He is working. Be led by His spirit. Be holy. 



God is more concerned with your willingness to glorify Him than what you have to offer Him. Will you honor Him, now, with what you have? Take a moment and give Him your best praise in prayer.


God is ready to meet you in your time of need. Where do you need God’s grace?



Father, help me to cling to your promises for they are the realest thing I have. They are true and everlasting. Do not allow me to give up your promises for simple earthly pleasures or moments of weakness. Keep me from the temptations of the enemy and may your Holy Spirit guide me in my walk each and everyday.  In Jesus Name, Amen.