

I find it interesting that respected bible scholars suggest that there never was a man named Malachi who wrote the last book of the Old Testament.  As long ago as 1897 in Easton’s Bible Dictionary, scholars presented evidence that Malachi is not an actual Hebrew name but rather a Hebrew abbreviation of the common noun “messenger of Yah” (Yahweh’s messenger).  Many of those critics even believe that the book of Malachi was written by Ezra because of stylistic similarities in the text.  Regardless, questions remain about who actually sat down and wrote the book.

Does the fact that no one knows for sure dampen my faith in the reliability of scripture?  Is my confidence that scripture is divinely inspired shaken by questions about the authorship of Malachi, or any other book of the bible?  Is the force and impact of Malachi’s message diminished in any way if there never was a minor prophet named Malachi?

Of course not!  The devotional I wrote for yesterday’s reading from Zechariah provides a case in point.  Sincere, bible-believing Christian thinkers earnestly seeking truth have come to different conclusions about scriptural history and teaching ever since the Middle Ages when the books of the bible that they know were canonized.  There were even contentious debates in the process of canonization about which books should be included in the final version of the bible and which should be excluded.

What truly matters is not flawed men’s theories, debates, and discussions about the criticism and interpretation of biblical texts.  What matters is God’s word!  When we consider the remarkable unity of the whole, the stunning accuracy of the prophetic threads that wind their way through centuries spanning the Old and the New, and the ultimate brilliance of God’s plan for redeeming mankind, who cares who actually sat at the desk and penned the book of Malachi?  The book’s prophetic oracles and its warning against lackadaisical commitment to God’s expectations for his people is all we need to know, remembering that the warning is not just for ancient Israel.  The text is alive and well for us, so may we absorb its inspired truth for what it is: the prophetic Word of God!



There is nothing too big for our God. Honor His greatness!



Submit to the Lord and do what He desires of you today!
Lord, you are gracious. You’ve given me life. You’ve redeemed my soul, and given me power through the Holy Spirit. Help me to live like you today. In Jesus Name, Amen.