

All of us are probably familiar with Julius Cesar and his infamous death by the hands of his own senate. However, did you know that of the 77 emperors of Rome, 39 of them were murdered? That’s over 50%! What makes this more incredible is that many of these emperors were worshiped as gods. Yet, the people of Rome still found the justification is not only taking them from power, but taking their lives. It just goes to show: man is not meant to be worshiped. Men are flawed and incapable of perfection. Yet, we as people love symbols. We love scapegoats. We love heroes. Leaders can serve all these purposes, for better or worse. Nevertheless, they always fall short of our expectations.

God knew this for Israel. Yet, despite Him knowing this, he allowed them to install a kingship. As we read through the old testament and the leadership in Chronicles, we can easily see the negative effect of installing a human ruler over Israel. Leaders can be swayed by pride, riches, and influence from bad councils. So, like the tide, the people of Israel drew near to God then away. Then repent and draw near only to fall away again. Their hearts were fickles because they put their faith in leadership that was flawed. God is the only leader in our lives that can truly be depended on. He is the only one who will not lead us astray. The only one who will not act out of pride, negative influence, or circumstances. God is above all else. 

What earthly figure have you put your faith in that has let you down? What earthly leadership has to depend upon that has disappointed you? Take that frustration and place it on the shoulders of Christ for he can bear it and reshape it into faith in Him.



Exodus 33:14

And He said, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.” 

 The distinguishing mark for us as God’s chosen people, is that His presence is with us. Consider the impact that the creator of the universe is our companion.



Our God is supreme. Nothing compares to Him. Submit your heart to Him today, and declare your allegiance to Him!


Praise God I am not desperately trying to measure up to an impossible state of perfection. Instead, I am surrendered to You Lord, and am covered by Your grace. Lord, don’t stop reminding me of the blessing of your sacrifice. I am thankful for the access I have to Your presence each and every moment no matter the state of my “cleanliness.”  In Jesus Name, Amen.