

2 Samuel 18 shows David at another one of his low points. He hears that his son Absalom has been killed in battle. The anguish and hurt pours out of him. “If only I had died instead of you my son, my son (v. 33).”  What parent could hear these words or read them and not fight tears as they imagine these circumstances? These are the imaginings we dare not let ourselves dwell upon for fear that the weight would crush us. In this moment it’s easy to forget the situation…. Absalom has declared himself king and sought his father’s death. David has fled for his life, fought for his life, and dealt with betrayal and pain. Now he has won. He is king again. He is safe. But where was his heart? In deep pain for he has lost his son. He would rather that his betraying son was alive and that he, David, was dead. The man after God’s heart, shows us that heart. God, our king, who had seen his creation rebel and come after him would rather that HE Himself were punished and not us. He laments over us in deep despair…for HE would rather have us alive and that He died in our place. And so, He does. Jesus dies in our place for our rebellion.  And for those who do not enter a relationship with the LORD?  He weeps over them. There is no joy in the heart of a Father who loses his beloved, no matter how the child has acted or behaved. I struggle so deeply with this view of our heavenly Father. I can see and fearfully feel what David felt based on how deeply I love my sons. But to really imagine this is how deeply the Father loves me? It’s hard for me…perhaps it shouldn’t be, but I struggle with it. Take a moment to place God the father in the role of David. Can you hear his tear-strained voice saying, “my child, my child”? Do you view the Father as having such fervent love that HE would call to you, BY YOUR NAME, these things?  If you struggle with really feeling that love, put yourself in this moment and hear how deeply your Father loves you today.



God is more concerned with your willingness to glorify Him than what you have to offer Him. Will you honor Him, now, with what you have? Take a moment and give Him your best praise in prayer.


God is ready to meet you in your time of need. Where do you need God’s grace?



Father, help me to cling to your promises for they are the realest thing I have. They are true and everlasting. Do not allow me to give up your promises for simple earthly pleasures or moments of weakness. Keep me from the temptations of the enemy and may your Holy Spirit guide me in my walk each and everyday.  In Jesus Name, Amen.