Thank you Jesus! You have made a way for anyone who comes to you to have eternal life and relationship with the Father! The covenant promises are no longer centralized on one ethnicity. In the fullness of time, according to your eternal plan, you came to die in order that Jews and Gentiles both could live in communion with you. When I read the story of Cornelius, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and thankfulness. You did not have to pursue all people, but, because of your great love for humanity, whom you created in your image, you did whatever it took to give all nations, tribes, and tongues the invitation found in the good news of your gospel. I am also encouraged to read how your church responded to the news of Gentile inclusion. At first, they were angry and confused. Once they noticed, though, that this was clearly your hand working, they praised you. Allow us to be people, regardless of prejudice or malice that exists within us, to gladly accept and praise anything you are doing. Don’t let us be a hindrance to what you want to do in the world. May we be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and listen to your voice intently. We pray that you would reveal to each of us our role in bringing the gospel to all people. We ask for opportunities in our everyday life to speak about you. We pray for revival in our city just like we see in the book of Acts. Fill us with the power of your Holy Spirit and give us the courage to walk in it. Amen.