
Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for the story of Abraham and Sarah. I know that my pride would make me think, “Oh, thank goodness I am not like them.” Yet, I know better. I know that I am often like Sarah, doubting you and your power only to see your faithfulness manifest. Then, just moments later, leaning into my flesh for comfort out of fear and doubt. Thank you Lord, that despite my shortcomings, my doubt, and my failures, your promises are fulfilled. Thank you that my failings cannot stop you. Thank you that your forgiveness is greater than my sins. Lord, bring me to a place where my faith is strengthened and challenged as Abraham’s was. Bring me into your path and keep me from the temptations of doubt and pride. Make your goals my goals. May your glory be my glory. May I be your good and faithful servant. 

In Jesus Name, 
